
Duobsession, consisting of violinist David Wurm and pianist Levi Schechtmann, embodies a profound passion for music that defines their artistic journey. For both musicians, music is like an obsession, driving them to explore and express their art with expectional dedication. They combine artistic excellence with impressive stage experience. The two musicians, who have been performing together for ten years, have made a name for themselves both as soloists and as an ensemble.

David Wurm has made a mark as a violinist in prestigious concert halls such as the Elbphilharmonie and CCH Hamburg. He has received multiple awards, including first prize at the Bundeswettbewerb Jugend musiziert in Solo Violin, and has recorded works with the radio station NDR 90.3. Additionally, he served as a judge at the 60th regional competition "Jugend musiziert" Hamburg in March 2023. His artistic development has been supported by "Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now" Hamburg e.V. since 2020. In addition to his solo work, he has been serving as concertmaster and project manager for the Albert Schweitzer Youth Orchestra since June 2022. 

Levi Schechtmann discovered his passion for music early on and has won numerous first prizes and accolades at national and international competitions, including the Grand Prix at the International Feurich Competition in Vienna. He is a sought-after crossover artist with a large online following (450k) and works as a Bechstein Ambassador, collaborating closely with the renowned instrument manufacturer. Levi is currently a student at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg in the class of concert pianist and professor Anna Vinnitskaya.

Duobsession has demonstrated their outstanding collaboration and musical versatility in numerous concerts. In October 2024, David and Levi will give their 10 years anniversary concert at the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, marking a highlight in their shared musical journey.

Upcoming Events

19.09.2024, 07:30 pm
Duo Recital in Dresden 

C. Bechstein Centrum Dresden, Schumann-Saal im Coselpalais Dresden

Works by Gershwin, Beethoven, Mozart and Prokofieff

24.09.2024 - 29.09.2024
Residency Scholarship 

Gut Hasselburg, Altenkrempe

Works by Gershwin, Beethoven, Mozart and Prokofieff

29.09.2024, 04:00 pm
Duo Recital in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 

Schloss Vietgest, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Works by Gershwin, Beethoven, Mozart and Prokofieff

06.10.2024, 07:30 pm
Duo Recital in Hamburg 

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Kleiner Saal

Works by Gershwin, Beethoven, Mozart and Prokofieff

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